How to access RegiCred?

Accessing RegiCred

  1. Allocate one Elastic IP and attach it to this instance.
  2. Create one A record for this endpoint in your domain registrar.
  3. Check the endpoint using DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool if the A record has been propagated.
  4. Allow Port 22 for your IPv4 in the AWS security group to access the server via SSH.
  5. Connect the instance via SSH and run the below command:
    sudo bash /home/ubuntu/
  6. Provide the required details when prompted by the script.
  7. Upon completion, the script will issue the SSL certificate for your domain and start the application.
  8. You can use the below endpoints as your Backend and Admin:
    https://<your_regicred_domain> - API/Backend Endpoint
    https://<your_regicred_domain>/auth - Admin Endpoint
  9. To log into the Admin panel, use the below credentials:
    Username - admin
    Password - Instance ID
  10. Log into Keycloak Admin Console.
  11. Go to Clients → admin-api → Credentials and click Regenerate Secret and copy the new value.
  12. Connect to the instance via SSH and edit the below file where set KEYCLOAK_SECRET with the copied value
  13. Restart all the services using the below command.
    cd /home/ubuntu/sunbird-rc-core && docker compose up -d

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