How to access LAMP AMI?

Accessing Apache

URL: http://instance-public-ipv4/

Accessing phpMyadmin

URL: https://instance-public-ipv4/phpmyadmin

Username: root
Password: instance-id

Accessing Webmin

URL: http://instance-public-ipv4:8000

Username: admin
Password: instance-id

Instance Login


sudo chmod 400 yourpemkeyname.pem
ssh -i yourpemkeyname.pem ubuntu@yourinstanceip

MySQL Terminal Login:
mysql –u root –p instance-id

Accessing LAMP CloudFormation Stack

Application URL: http://instance-public-ipv4

CloudFormation URL: http://ELB-DNS-Name/

Accessing phpMyAdmin


Instance Login


sudo chmod 400 yourpemkeyname.pem
ssh -i yourpemkeyname.pem ubuntu@yourinstanceip

MySQL Terminal Login
mysql –u root –p instance-id

Accessing LAMP Container

docker run –d –p 80:80 –p 3306:3306 –p 443:443 –p 10000:10000 <”AWS Container image URI”>

Accessing phpMyadmin

URL: http://instance-public-ipv4/phpmyadmin

Username: root
Password: root

Access Webmin

URL: http://instance-public-ipv4:10000

Username: admin
Password: pass

Accessing MySQL and phpMyadmin EKS (paid)

After subscribing to the product, Click on "Helm Chart Package" to download helm chart to your EKS control node. Now, extract the helm chart in your location and install with the following command: 
"helm install --set serviceAccountName="

Accessing phpMyadmin(EKS)

URL: http://ELB-DNS-Name:3606/phpmyadmin

Username: root
Password: instance-id

Get Instance Id(EKS Paid)

You can get the instance-id, by run the following command : kubectl exec -it curl | grep instanceId | cut -d '"' -f4

Instance Login


sudo chmod 400 yourpemkeyname.pem
ssh -i yourpemkeyname.pem ubuntu@yourinstanceip

MySQL Terminal Login
mysql –u root –p root

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